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Tuesday, July 22, 2008


I've been driving for about 6 weeks now and it's alright. Of those 6 weeks I've driven every 6 of 7 days because I drive to and fro school, to and fro from my training and to and fro from my social activities. I'm not in love with driving, in fact, I would rather sit in the passengers seat and sleep or play with my phone or eat. Wow, how I miss those good old times.

I have driven with my whole family including my dad, my mom, both my sisters and my brother-in-law. All of them said that I'm a good driver.

There is nothing really in particular which I find hard about driving but I am working on my finer points now. The only thing which I need to brush up on is switching between my headlight to dip and from dip back to headlights. I get very annoyed when driving at night and the driver coming the opposite way forgets to dip their lights. But I know that they must be getting annoyed when I forget to do that as well.

Driving on the motorway isn't difficult, it's really much easier than driving in the town and in the city. Mainly because there is much more room to drive and it's mostly a straight drive and no sharp turns.


EboRâguebi said...

One Small Blog, a small region of a small country that "speaks" a BIG SPORT - RUGBY.


Vinay said...

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Gabrielle said...

Spelling is pretty cool.