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Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Zoo Trip

Yesterday we went to the Auckland Zoo. I think this trip was way better than the Museum trip earlier this year. I really enjoyed myself mainly for the reason that I hadn't been to the zoo for about 3 or 4 years. My favourite animal had to be the Sea lion because when I went in to see them, two of them were fighting. Was it just me or was this trip a little more crazy then the others? There were two giraffes expressing their feelings for one another right in front of everybody and someone had to go to the doctors for a tetanus shot from being bitten by a meerkat. Personally, I wasn't surprised that our school had to be called back to the starting point over the loudspeaker for being irresponsible. But the thing I can't believe is that people were smoking, thats right smoking, in the meerkat tunnels. Another con about the zoo was the price of food and stuff from the cafe. A small 300ml bottle of Coke was $3.20! I know, thats expensive. The one hour talk we had was SO boring. I didn't learn much but I still payed attention throughout it. After that Rory and I went to Aussie Walk and put on a fake Australian accent and started teasing the Kangaroos and stuff. All in all it was a mega-awesome trip and I rate it 8.5/10, making it the best trip so far.

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