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Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Helen Clarke

Today our Prime Minister came to visit our school. She spoke to us initially about some stuff. Before Helen Clarke came in Mrs. Culiford and Ms. Wilson spoke to Adam, Drew, Josh and Bryn. They told them not to ask any stupid questions or preferably not ask anything at all. Helen Clarke initially told us her life story and then progressed on to more important stuff like the issues of our country. After her speech, it was time to ask Helen Clarke questions. The first question was pretty ridiculous I thought, and who other than Bryn would ask one. The question was “Do you ever get bored in parliament?” She replied with a pretty long answer which explained how she didn’t get bored and that the isn’t tired of her job. The second question was “Do you get tired of your job?” This was an even more ridiculous question and I thought it was quite irrelevant and that it wasn’t making good use of her precious time. The next question was Eve and she asked what subjects Helen Clarke studied at university, this was a great question and it is useful for anyone interested in being a politician. The next question was “Was it a hard road to getting to Prime Minister. Personally I think it was a stupid question because it is obviously a hard road to become the leader of a country. This question was followed by some random questions and then I asked the question of “What are the qualities you think someone needs to lead a country. She replied with “The fundamental quality to being the leader of a country is that you need to have a vision. This was a pretty boring thing but it was quite informative.

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