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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Would You Use this Toilet?

I personally would probably use this toilet, but it would feel pretty awkward if it was a busy day and heaps of people would be standing oustide the door looking at you. Well, not at you, for them, they would be looking at the door but it still looks like it from the inside. I myself would love this opportunity to go and embarrass someone. For example when someone walks into the restroom, Running up to it, smashing that window, pointing and laughing would be HILARIOUS. Also getting like a camera or something and taking a photo of the person, but really your taking a photo of the wall, would also be amusing. But it would be a scary thought, you will always have in the back of your mind that somehow, everyone can see you, but in reality they can't. Like you think that the wall somehow turns off. I wouldn't blame anyone for being obligated not to use this, just of the fear that someone out there can see your privates.

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