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Thursday, May 15, 2008

3 synonyms 3 antonyms and 1 homonym

Tim could not believe it. Overnight, the world had shifted from a grey, dark mess to a ravishing white wonderland. He advanced outside onto the snow and gazed at it in wonder. Tim had never seen anything like it in the ten years that he had been living in Auckland, and he didn't think that he would ever see it again.
He spun around in the swirling white but regretted it when he fell over. He got up slowly, hoping everybody had seen him. Tim's pleasing big brothercame sprinting out into the street, screaming with excitement. She begged him to help her make a snowman so they knelt on the pavement and started to scoop up as much snow as they could into a pail. After about an hour, the snowman was huge and Tim was freezing. He carefully stepped over the ice, back into the house for some hot chocolate.

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